Project for the conservation of the monk seal in Madeira, Portugal

Our “LIFE Madeira Monk Seal Project” (LIFE13NAT/ES/000974 “Madeiramonkseal”) is coming to an end. The project, executed by Fundación CBD-Hábitat together with Instituto das Florestas e Conservação da Natureza, RAM from 2014 until the end of 2019, has achieved impressive results in monk seal conservation at Madeira archipelago.

The main objective of the Project is to improve awareness and conserve the monk seal in the Madeira archipelago in order to ensure its long-term survival.

The main aims of the “LIFE Madeira Monk Seal” project have been:

  • To provide greater protection for the sites used by the monk seal.
  • Reduce the threat and disturbance caused by fishermen, tourism operators, tourists, and the general population.
  • Increase the Madeira Natural Park Service’s capacity to intervene in the event of threats or dangers to the seals and adopt a conservation plan for the monk seal in Madeira.
  • Develop a conservation status surveillance system for the species and its habitat in Madeira, using non-invasive methods.

The project results and the presentation of the Monk Seal Conservation Action Plan at Madeira will be presented today 27th of november in Funchal, Madeira.

More information:

Ethnology of the Bijagó culture, Guinea Bissau

In addition to the natural heritage, the Bijagós Islands retain an exceptional cultural heritage. The magnificent state of conservation of the archipelago is due to traditions. Because of their beliefs, the Bijagó have their own natural reserves, forests and islands that are untouchable because they are sacred, and where they cannot cultivate, hunt, or bury the dead. Among its symbolic animals are the manatee and the turtles, along with sharks, rays, hammerhead fish and sawfish, beings that they respect and revere.

The Orango Parque Hotel is not just a tourist establishment; it functions as an ecotourism development center in Guinea Bissau National Parks, and particularly in the Bijagos Islands and Orango and Vieira Poilao National Parks. The hotel is also the base of many collaborative projects developed together with IBAP (Instituto da Biodiversidade e das Áreas Protegidas) within the park: conservation projects targeting the manatee and hippopotamus populations in the region, projects designed to reduce conflicts between local people and wildlife, and projects that construct wells or renovate community health centers, among others.

The Bijagó population maintains a strong cultural identity, due to insularity and isolation. The deep respect for their animistic traditions has allowed them to preserve a society with matriarchal structures. They are calm, smiling, hospitable and friendly people, and they have great ethnographic interest.

More information:

Conclusions of the Congress “The Iberian lynx: looking towards the future”

Conservation objectives have been established, it has been emphasized that ex situ breeding centers must continue at full capacity until at least 2030, it has been suggested an “Iberian Lynx Strategy” and a better Governance system.

More information, conclusions, and presentations:

Favorable Conservation Status of the Iberian Lynx

Calculation of potential suitable hábitat in the Iberian Peninsula and Natura 2000 network

Genetics and management of the Iberian Lynx

Identification platform for the Iberian Lynx

The Iberian Lynx ex situ Conservation Program and the FCS: How we get ther

Improving our Governance systems