Foca monje del Mediterraneo

Mediterranean monk seal conservation


Our objective is to improve the conservation status of the last great colony of Mediterranean monk seals, located in the Cap Blanc Peninsula (Mauritania-Morocco), through:

  • Oversight and surveillance of the maritime-terrestrial “Seal Coast Reserve,” which protects the colony’s three breeding caves.
  • Surveillance and monitoring of the Cap Blanc monk seal colony (Mauritania).
  • Terrestrial and maritime inspections of Reserve boundary areas.
  • Awareness and development campaigns directed towards the local population: artisan fishermen and students in Nouadhibou city and BancD’Arguin National Park educational centers.

The Foundation also participates in two LIFE projects, which are implemented in areas where this species is present, such as Madeira and Greece:

For more information about the project on Madeira Island

For more information about the project in Greece


Proyecto LIFE16 NAT/GR/000606LIFE Andros Park.

Proyecto LIFE13 NAT/ES/000974

foca monje del Mediterráneo

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Proyecto LIFE16 NAT/GR/000606LIFE Andros Park. «“Conservation of priority species and habitats of Andros Island protected area, integrating socioeconomic considerations». 2017-2021. Beneficiary partner.


Proyecto LIFE13 NAT/ES/000974 «“Mediterranean monk seal conservation in Madeira and development of a conservation status surveillance system». Beneficiary partner.


«Feasibility studies and development of an experimental monk seal translocation trial». 2016-2017 TRAGSA.


«Support for the monk seal conservation project in Mauritani». Parques Reunidos Foundation.


«Mediterranean Monk seal conservation project in Cap Blanc, Mauritania». 2013-2018. Euronatur.


«Mediterranean Monk seal conservation project in Cap Blanc, Mauritania». 2014-2018. Oceancare.


Other projects


Monk seal conservation in Morocco

The project aims to contribute to monk seal conservation in the Villalobos la Vieja region (D’Khila), southern Morocco. Territori i Paisatge


Integration of Fastloc technology in monk seal monitoring.

The goal is to develop an experimental methodology for monk seal marking and monitoring using GPS telemetry. TRAGSA.


Sustainable management of Mauritanian fishery resources and improvement of the monk seal conservation status

Improvement of the conservation status of Mauritania’s marine living resources. AECID.


Mediterranean monk seal conservation project in Cap Blanc, Mauritania.

Oversight, surveillance, and monitoring of the monk seal population. Environmental awareness and information campaigns. TRAGSA.


Spanish fishing fleet involvement in monk seal conservation.

The goal is to actively involve Spanish fishermen who fish in Mauritanian fishing grounds. Fundación Biodiversidad.


Mediterranean monk seal conservation project in Cap Blanc, Mauritania

Monk seal conservation efforts; maritime-terrestrial surveillance, breeding colony monitoring – MAVA Foundation.


“Improvement of artisan fishermen living conditions and the conservation status of the monk seal in Mauritania”. AECID


Planning and coordination of the Action Plan’s work team for the restoration of the monk seal in East Atlantic. Spanish Ministry of Environmen


Technical assistance for the development of the Action Plan for the restoration of the Mediterranean monk seal in East Atlantic. Spanish Ministry of Environmen


Interventions for monk seal restoration and the improvement of living conditions among local fishing communities in the seals’ environment in Mauritania. AECI


Development of the Plan for the Recovery of the Monk Seal in the East Atlantic of the Bonn Convention